Friday, November 20, 2009

An Introduction

Mike Miconi and Scott Wright, the two hardest working proprietors of a flooring company I've ever known, create a pleasantly unique flooring boutique.  Moore Floor Coverings is a conveinant drive from anywhere in the Metro- Atlanta area.  The store is a feast for the eyes and the spirit, you know the kind of place I'm talking about... one of those shops that one visits to be inspired. 

During the last four years, I’ve been in 'retirement' from the flooring biz after spending over 13 years working in the floor covering industry. Now married with a one year old son and working with the husband in his ‘art for the garden’ business a unique company called Freedonia Garden Works, LLC and spending some time making my own art, I now see the designer floor covering world a bit differently. For me, it’s a place I can continue to express myself in creative ways, plus it feels good using my extensive knowledge.

So, with Mike pulling me forward in to the world of floor covering, a positive and renewed spirit overcomes me. How could I resist upon seeing his newly renovated store? There is a pleasure in working with Mike, for he's honestly one of the nicest people I've ever known. No kidding! We worked together many years ago at the unassuming Images Floor Coverings, with the owners Marc and Cindy Huppert. However, what I LOVED instantly about the NEW Moore Floor Coverings is the laid back atmosphere Mike Miconi creates, while not sacrificing any of the high-end appeal. LOVE IT, I tell you! So, what you'll see here is our newest collections of carpets and rugs, the occasional hard surface and mo(o)re that we hope will inspire you to make a visit to our Moore (dare I say MOST) beautiful floor covering shop in Atlanta!
Hope to see all you designers soon,

-Sloane Robinson Cheatham